By now you are aware that the Legacy Qualifications have fallen away and are being replaced with Occupational Courses in South Africa.  ICB is a well respected body that has been in existence since 1931 and will continue to move with international trends and keep education completely relevant to the market at all times. Change is sometimes unsettling so please read below 

What does this mean for you as an existing ICB student?

1.  If you have already completed your studies and qualified, there are no changes for you.  Your qualification has lifelong validity and can never be revoked.  So your qualification, certificates and credits remain intact.

2. If you are an existing ICB student who registered with ICB prior to 30 June 2024, you still have a teach out period      in which to complete your studies.  The studies, timetable and fee's remain the same as usual and you can find the academic timetable and fee's on the website You can continue your studies with your college or distance or self study. Any credits or part qualifications already earned remain in tact and are unaffected.

3. You wondering how to check when is your last date of achievement?  You can do so on your student portal as a distant or self study learner or as a face-to-face student you will check with your college.  Or you can refer to the  SAQA website directly with your qualification.  See below SAQA Qualification Details 

4. For NEW students who want to sign up with ICB from 1 July 2024, these students will also do the same ICB course,     same fee's and academic timetable, just the endorsement will now come from IQB - A UK based External Examination Body This will allow students to do single subjects with individual subject certificates or the full programme. It will not be credit bearing in South Africa but will allow "just in time" or "nugget" learning which is the new trend, but more importantly will provide international recognition. 

Below graph will indicate the progress for current ICB studies with the start and end date of the qualifications.