The ICB has a full exam support team on standby for online exams via a CHAT BOX that will pop up on Macci on EXAM DAY only.

The CHAT function is found at the bottom right of the Macci site and is shown by this button:  

The ChatBox will open, and look as follows.  Please enter the email address that is on your student profile, so that we can immediately link you to your profile on our records. 



The CHAT will be available on all pages on Macci. This includes the login page - you can use the chat function without logging into Macci if you need to.

EXCEPT: The only time you will not see the chat function is when you are trying to enter the exam room and going through your exam checks before starting the exam.  In this case, open an extra Macci tab to use the chat function only. Now you will have one Macci tab for the exam and one for chatting. Once you are in the exam room, you can close the additional chatting tab and chat directly from your exam page. 

DO NOT USE EMAIL FOR EXAM SUPPORT - unless it is an absolute emergency!   Our systems and teams are set up to help you best on chat.  If you use email, we may not be able to assist you during the exam session.



You may have network issues when attempting to pass the system checks on exam day. Make sure your network has been set up according to the recommended specifications:

You may also have issues that you might need to trouble shoot. Familiarise yourself with some of the issues you may come across in order to recognise these on exam day:

_Updated 04102021