Each year, the content of the ICB's textbooks and other learning materials are reviewed and updated. Please see below a list of the updates for the 2021 / 2022 academic year.

ICB Module

Nature of the Update

Based on update - will they need to by the new book - do the changes affect the assessments?

Business Literacy

Reflowing learning modules to follow the assessment structure

No (but highly recommended for an improved learning experience) & No

Bookkeeping to Trial Balance

Major update - IFRS and Conceptual Framework Update

Yes & Yes

Payroll & Monthly SARS Returns

Major update - Annual Tax Updates

Yes & Yes

Computerised Bookkeeping: Pastel Accounting

Major update - Software Updates

Yes & Yes

Financial Statements

Major update - IFRS and Conceptual Framework update

Yes & Yes

Income Tax Returns

Major update - Annual Tax Updates

Yes & Yes

Business Law & Accounting Control

Minor update - Annual Tax Update

Yes & Yes

Financial Reporting and Regulatory Frameworks

Major update - Conceptual Framework updates

Yes & Yes