The best way to contact us is by visiting out website and first ask BennyBot for assistance. He will search our Knowledge Base any try and offer any information we have. If he was not able to help you with the answer you were looking for, you are welcome to convert your query into a ticket. This ticket will feed into our Inbox where our Agents will then attend to it, and reply to you personally.

To create a ticket of your enquiry/question all you need to do is click "Create Ticket" when BennyBot (our online web robot) gives you the option. Please see below,
You are also welcome to re-phrase your question, which might make it a bit easier for BennyBot to find the correct answer for you.

The second option is to submit your details directly to us via our Contact Us Page On our website.  This system helps us to send your request directly to the right department. The form is interactive, and will ask the information we need to fast track your enquiry.  All requests are logged and tracked and each request is allocated a ticket number to allow for easy reference and completion.

All you need to do is;

1. Click on this link (this will take you to our website)

2. Complete your contact details

3. Select "who you are", e.g. are you a new student or a registered students

4. Select what your enquiry relates to, e.g.; an exam entry, results, new enquiry, etc. 

5. Add extra detail in the description box and/or upload a document

Please note that we unfortunately do not offer telephonic support and request that you make use of the above two options. These options are the best way to allow us and you to log and track your query to ensure that it is addressed.