1. As soon as you enter for an exam, you will receive an email with confirmation that we have received your entry.  If you don't receive this, please follow up immediately, so that we can find any gremlins!

2. Pop onto the student portal and go to the View My Exam tab.  Your upcoming exams will be listed here.  You can also use the blue button to download an exam confirmation in pdf format.

When you did you original booking, you would have received a booking  confirmation via email.  If you did not receive,  please check the following;

1. Your spam folder. Sometimes, emails are automatically marked as spam

2. Check your connection to see whether other emails are indeed reaching you

3. Check your mailbox and make sure it is not "full"

4. Ensure that your email address is correct or has been updated on our system. Sometimes people change from employer which impacts their email address which they used to register with initially.

Should you have checked all the above and it still does not reach you, please contact us via this link; https://www.icb.org.za/contact/