Exam dates, registration cut offs, etc are on the attached timetable and will depend if you are a classroom or a distance student.
- There are NO ICB test dates. These are written during your course and when you are finished with a particular section of work. If you are with a college, they will give you these dates.
- Paper exams are scheduled from 9:00 to 12:30 and online exams can be started any time from 9am to 1pm, but will close automatically at 16:30 on exam day. Please refer to your exam confirmation letter for final details.
Most Colleges conduct formal exams for classroom students every other month, but first check with yours when they’re doing the exams for the subjects you’re interested in. Click here to find a ICB approved Center near you.
Exams for distance learning and independent students take place at the ICB-approved examination centres around southern Africa as well as online from April 2021 onwards. Visit this link to find out where these venue are: https://www.icb.org.za/exam-timetables-and-venues/
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